Spring Decluttering Tips

One of the new phenomenons today is decluttering your life, sometimes called “spring cleaning.” Years of collecting clothing and purchasing items for your home and along comes a book, now on the New York Times best-sellers list, about decluttering one’s home by Marie Kondo. She has a step by step method for decluttering. I decided to jump in and tackle my closet. The process hijacked my life. For many evenings after a long day at work, I tackled my tops, then pants and skirts and finally my accessories. The key point is if you don’t love it, if it does not bring you joy, get rid of it.

As I simplified and started feeling better about my closet, I realized that it was not the only thing that needed to be reworked, so did the rest of my home. Now if I thought my closet was hard, then I was in for an even greater dilemma. I love so many items in my home and have devoted much of my expertise, thought, time, and resources to selecting, modifying, and designing, so when it came to decluttering the rest of my space I was truly challenged. As I evaluated each and every category of item in my home…books, paintings, lamps and even furniture, it seemed so overwhelming! However, I know that by decluttering my home, I open up a path to a simpler lifestyle and cleaner look. It also allows me the freedom and space for new items that truly speak to me at this point in my life with grown adult children living elsewhere.

If you, like me, have had trouble decluttering, try a few of my tips:

Focus on one category at a time.

Take a look at a category of items. Do you have more than you need? Remove duplicate items to make way for one piece that truly speaks to you!

Look at all your light fixtures and lamps, then paintings, etc. Do you still love them or use them; have you been pining for a new one for years? I had one light fixture that was broken 8 years ago and I replaced it with a cool new light that I like much more.

Give things away.

Sometimes we have items with high value but they just don’t work for us anymore. Take them to a consignment store or auction house. Upcycling is really in so a donation center for less valuables is always a good idea.

As you complete each category, your confidence will grow and by decluttering you are giving yourself and your home room to show who you are today. You are not the same person you were 10 years ago. You are probably a whole lot better and cooler. Good Luck!!!